The statement field
Field : Object | Description |
description: String | The field description |
displayState: ConditionFieldActions | The field current state |
helpText: String | The field help text |
isEditable: Boolean | If the field could be editable |
isRequired: Boolean | Whether the field is required |
label: String | The field title |
minimalView: Boolean | Whether the field is minimal |
triggersFieldConditions: Boolean | Whether the field triggers a condition |
type: String | The field type. Valid options: assignee_select, attachment, checklist_horizontal, checklist_vertical, cnpj, connector, cpf, currency, date, datetime, due_date, email, id, label_select, long_text, number, phone, radio_horizontal, radio_vertical, select, short_text, statement, time,dynamic_content |
uuid: ID | The field universally unique ID |
Deprecated : Object | Description |
id | Deprecated. The field ID |