age: Int | The seconds since the card was created |
assignees: [User] | Information about the assigned users |
attachments: [Attachment] | Information about the attached files |
attachments_count: Int | The card total attachments |
cardAssignees: [CardAssignee] | Information about the card's assignees |
checklist_items_checked_count: Int | The card total checked items |
checklist_items_count: Int | The card total checklist items |
child_relations: [CardRelationship] | Information about the child pipe connections |
comments: [Comment] | Information about the card comments |
comments_count: Int | The card total comments |
createdAt: DateTime | When the card was created |
createdBy: User | Information about the card creator |
creatorEmail: String | The email the card creator |
currentLateness: cardLateness | Information about the card lateness |
current_phase: Phase | Information about the card current phase |
current_phase_age: Int | The seconds since the card entered current phase |
done: Boolean | Whether the card is done |
due_date: DateTime | The card due date |
emailMessagingAddress: String | The card email address |
expiration: CardExpiration | Information about the card expiration |
expired: Boolean | Whether the card is expired |
fields: [CardField] | Information about the card fields |
finished_at: DateTime | When the card was finished |
id: ID | The card ID |
inboxEmailsRead: Boolean | Information about any inbox email read status |
inbox_emails: [InboxEmail] | Information about the card emails |
labels: [Label] | Information about the card labels |
late: Boolean | Whether the card is late |
overdue: Boolean | Whether the card is overdue |
parent_relations: [CardRelationship] | Information about the parent pipe connections |
path: String | The card path |
phases_history: [PhaseDetail] | Information about the phases the card went through |
pipe: Pipe | Information about the pipe |
public_form_submitter_email: String | The card public form submitter email if exists |
started_current_phase_at: DateTime | When the card first entered the current phase |
subtitles: [CardField] | Information about the card subtitles |
suid: String | The card Small Unique ID |
summary: [Summary] | Information about the card summary layout |
summary_attributes: [Summary] | Information about the card attributes summary layout |
summary_fields: [Summary] | Information about the card custom fields summary layout |
title: String | The card title |
updated_at: DateTime | When the card was last updated |
url: String | The card URL |
uuid: String | The card Unique UUID |