The query root of Pipefy's GraphQL interface
Field : Object | Description |
allCards: CardConnection | Fetches all pipe cards based on arguments |
autoFillFields: [AutoFillFieldUnion] | Lookup the values that will automatically fill the child-card's start form fields |
card: Card | Lookup a card by its ID |
cards: CardConnection | Fetches a group of cards based on arguments |
cardsImportations: [CardsImportation] | Lookup the cards importer history by the pipe ID |
conditionalField: ConditionalField | |
connectedTableRecords: PublicTableRecordConnection | |
fieldCondition: FieldCondition | |
findCards: CardConnection | Fetch cards based on fields' inputs |
findRecords: CardConnection | Fetch records based on fields' inputs |
inbox_emails: [InboxEmail] | Lookup the card's emails by its ID |
me: User | Returns informations of the current authenticated user |
organization: Organization | Lookup an organization by its ID |
organizations: [Organization] | Lookup organizations by their ID |
phase: Phase | Lookup a phase by its ID |
pipe: Pipe | Lookup a pipe by its ID |
pipeReportExport: PipeReportExport | Lookup a pipe report export by its ID |
pipe_relations: [PipeRelation] | Lookup pipe relations by their ID |
pipe_templates: [PipeTemplate] | Lookup all pipe templates available on Pipefy |
pipes: [Pipe] | Lookup pipes by their ID |
recordsImportations: [RecordsImportation] | Lookup the records importer history by the table ID |
repoItemForm: RepoItemFormUnion | |
table: Table | Lookup a database table by its ID |
table_record: TableRecord | Lookup a record by its ID |
table_records: TableRecordWithCountConnection | Fetches a group of records based on arguments |
table_relations: [TableRelation] | Lookup table relations by their ID |
tables: [Table] | Lookup database tables by their ID |