List of phase information
Field : Object | Description |
can_receive_card_directly_from_draft: Boolean | Phase can receive cards directly from draft? |
cards: CardConnection | Fetches a group of cards based on arguments |
cards_can_be_moved_to_phases: [Phase] | Information about the phases that the cards can be moved to |
cards_count: Int | The phase total cards |
color: String | Color of phase |
created_at: DateTime | When the phase was created |
custom_sorting_preferences: JSON | Custom sorting preferences |
description: String | The phase description |
done: Boolean | Whether it is a final phase |
expiredCardsCount: Int | The phase total expired cards |
fieldConditions: [FieldCondition] | Information about the phase field conditions |
fields: [PhaseField] | Information about the fields |
id: ID | The phase ID |
identifyTask: IdentifyTaskEnum | Whether to enable task identification |
index: Float | The phase positional index |
isDraft: Boolean | Is this phase draft? |
lateCardsCount: Int | The phase total late cards |
lateness_time: Int | Lateness time |
name: String | The phase name |
next_phase_ids: [Int] | Information about the next phases the cards can be moved to |
previous_phase_ids: [Int] | Information about the previous phases that the cards can be moved to |
repo_id: Int | Phase repo ID |
sequentialId: String | The sequential identifier |
uuid: ID | The phase universally unique ID |