A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a __DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies.
Enum Values : Object | Description |
QUERY: | Location adjacent to a query operation. |
MUTATION: | Location adjacent to a mutation operation. |
SUBSCRIPTION: | Location adjacent to a subscription operation. |
FIELD: | Location adjacent to a field. |
FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: | Location adjacent to a fragment definition. |
FRAGMENT_SPREAD: | Location adjacent to a fragment spread. |
INLINE_FRAGMENT: | Location adjacent to an inline fragment. |
SCHEMA: | Location adjacent to a schema definition. |
SCALAR: | Location adjacent to a scalar definition. |
OBJECT: | Location adjacent to an object type definition. |
FIELD_DEFINITION: | Location adjacent to a field definition. |
ARGUMENT_DEFINITION: | Location adjacent to an argument definition. |
INTERFACE: | Location adjacent to an interface definition. |
UNION: | Location adjacent to a union definition. |
ENUM: | Location adjacent to an enum definition. |
ENUM_VALUE: | Location adjacent to an enum value definition. |
INPUT_OBJECT: | Location adjacent to an input object type definition. |
INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION: | Location adjacent to an input object field definition. |