Public form fields used in the internal API
Field : Object | Description |
active: Boolean | Public Form is active or not |
afterSubmitMessage: String | The message shown to user after submitting the public form |
backgroundColor: String | The background color of the public form (RGB) |
backgroundImage: String | The background image URL of the public form |
brandColor: String | The brand color that will be used in the public form (RGB) |
canHidePipefyLogo: Boolean | Whether the public form creator can hide Pipefy's logo |
description: String | Description of the public form |
displayPipefyLogo: Boolean | Whether to display Pipefy's logo in the public form |
id: ID | |
logo: String | Logo of the public form |
organizationName: String | The name of the organization to be shown in the public form |
reuseLastSubmissionResponse: Boolean | Fill again with the same values that were used on the last submission |
showSubmitAnotherResponseButton: Boolean | Whether its allowed to submit another response |
submitButtonText: String | Text of the submit button on the public form |
submitterEmailCollectionEnabled: Boolean | Whether the submitter email collection is enabled |
submitterEmailCollectionMethod: PublicFormSubmitterEmailCollectionMethod | The method to ask for the submitter email in the public form |
submitterEmailField: MinimalField | |
title: String | Title of the public form |
url: String | Public form URL |