

List of table record information

Field : ObjectDescription
assignees: [User] Information about the assign users
created_at: DateTime When the record was created
created_by: User Information about the record creator
done: Boolean Whether the record is done
due_date: DateTime The record due date
finished_at: DateTime When the record was finished
id: ID The record ID
is_sample: Boolean Informs if a record is a sample record
labels: [Label] Information about the record labels
parent_relations: [TableRecordRelation] Information about the parent table connections
path: String The record path
record_fields: [TableRecordField] Information about the record fields
status: TableRecordStatus The record status
summary: [Summary] Information about the record summary layout
summary_attributes: [Summary] Information about the card attributes summary layout
summary_fields: [Summary] Information about the card custom fields summary layout
table: Table Information about the database table
title: String The record title
updated_at: DateTime When the record was last updated
url: String The URL
uuid: ID The record uuid